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Bullying Tip Line

Rogers ISD hotline - 965-615-8605

Website -

App - StopIt (available for free on Iphone and android devices)


The district prohibits bullying on school property, at school-sponsored or school - related activities, or in any vehicle operated by the district. Bullying may be verbal or written expression or expression through electronic means, or physical conduct. Bullying is not tolerated by the district and any student or parent of a student who believes that the student or another student has experienced bullying or that a student has engaged in bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of district policy and is prohibited. 

Students or parents may report an alleged incident of bullying, orally or in writing through the StopIt app, throught the or by calling the hotline assigned to Rogers ISD 965-615-8605.  Please note that after submission of the complaint to the district employee or through SopIt, the district will assign the complaint to a campus administrator or counselor to follow up on the submitted complaint and any other important matters pertaining to the complaint. We encourage you to communicate with your designated campus administrator during this time.

More information about the district's bullying policy can be found at or the campus administration office.

Parent & Student Resources

Contact Information

Rogers ISD
1 Eagle Drive
Rogers, Texas 76569

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:40am-4:00pm

Summer Hours: Mon-Thur, 7:30am-4:00pm

Phone: 254-642-3802
Fax: 254-642-3851

Google Safe Search


Current Weather

Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 68.97˚F

Feels Like: 69.75˚F

Wind Speeds: 15.97mph

Weather humidity: 89%

Chance of Precipitation: %