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Public Information Requests

Board Policy GBA (legal) states:
“Public information” means information that is collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by the Board or for the Board and to which the Board has a right of access. Gov’t Code 552.002(a) Certain information is protected from disclosure by the exceptions in the Act, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), or other laws, either constitutional, statutory or by judicial decision.

PLEASE NOTE: You will find a large amount of information is available throughout the Rogers Independent School District website without making a public information request and/or incurring costs; however, you may always submit a public information request to the District by following the appropriate procedures as outlined on this page.

All requests for information are handled in writing. You may submit your request by:

Mail or in person
Rogers Independent School District
Attention: Public Information Request
1 Eagle Drive
Rogers, Texas 76569

Subject: Public Information Request

Charges for Public Information: Under section 552.262(a), the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) is required to adopt rules to be used by governmental bodies in determining charges for providing copies of public information or making paper records available for public inspection. These rules are at Title 1, Part 3, Chapter 70 of the Texas Administrative Code. Rogers ISD adheres to these cost rules. Additionally, Rogers ISD does not charge for PIR’s that cost less than $40. If producing the responsive information will incur a cost of $40 or more, Rogers ISD will provide the requestor an itemized estimate and a date when information will be available. All cost estimates will inform the requestor if there is a less costly way for the requestor to access the requested information.

Helpful Suggestions for making a Public Information Request
Your request must be in writing; only written requests trigger obligations under the Act. Include your full name and contact information, including e-mail address (if available). Clearly label your correspondence as a “Public Information Request”. Be specific and clear in describing the nature and scope of the information you are seeking. Allow 10 business days for response to requests.

Contact Information

Rogers ISD
1 Eagle Drive
Rogers, Texas 76569

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:40am-4:00pm

Summer Hours: Mon-Thur, 7:30am-4:00pm

Phone: 254-642-3802
Fax: 254-642-3851

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Current Condition: overcast clouds

Temperature: 69.42˚F

Feels Like: 69.03˚F

Wind Speeds: 11.9mph

Weather humidity: 63%

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