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Federal Program Planning

of Federal Program Planning
for Rogers ISD

The Rogers Independent School District is currently in the planning process for the 2024-2025 ESSA Consolidated Federal Applucation for the following programs:

Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs
Title I, Part C – Migrant
Title II, Part A – Improving Teacher Quality
Title III, Part A – Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students
Title IV, Part A – Student Support and Academic Achievement

Campus eligibility for Title I is based on low income data and enrollment, Private Nonprofit Schools and/or Homeschools with governement nonprofit status that serve students living within Rogers ISD boundaries and that are interested in receiving program information on participation and/or providing input into program planning for services eligible students may contact, Duana Brashear, Superintendent, at 254-642-3802, or 1 Eagle Drive, Rogers, TX 76569

Rogers ISD does not discriminateon the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs, activities, or hiring practices.  Inquiries regarding the Title IX policies should be directed to Duana Brashear at 254-642-3802.

Contact Information

Rogers ISD
1 Eagle Drive
Rogers, Texas 76569

Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 7:40am-4:00pm

Summer Hours: Mon-Thur, 7:30am-4:00pm

Phone: 254-642-3802
Fax: 254-642-3851

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Current Condition: overcast clouds

Temperature: 69.71˚F

Feels Like: 69.3˚F

Wind Speeds: 11.9mph

Weather humidity: 62%

Chance of Precipitation: %