Texas Career Check - Texas Career Check provides a ton of information on hundreds of different jobs—
Big Future - This website sponsored by the College Board is a free, comprehensive step-by-step college planning website. Choosing a college is a big and exciting decision. Explore your interests and take the time to find a college that will put you on a path to a bright future.
Ownyourownfuture.com - Want to make your college dream a reality? Start with this website! It has links that you can explore such as why go to college, prep for college, find a college and pay for college. There is also parent resources on this page as well.
Bureau of Labor Statistics - This website has great information related to career searching. It also has a link to the Occupational Outlook Handbook (www.bls.gov/ooh) that can help you find career information on duties, education and training, pay, and outlook for hundreds of occupations.
Career One Stop - Learn about careers, find career information, and locate career resources and advice with this resource. They have job searches, self assessments, salary information and a database of over 1,000 careers to research.
In the fall semester of your student's junior year, we will assess them using the ASVAB. This is also known as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. We use this test as a career exploration tool and the student will take a personality self assessment to use as an exploration to different careers that match the student's personality and strengths. They have access to a wide array of information online through www.asvabprogram.com.